“Whatever you do, do it well.” ―Walt Disney
Disney+ is an American subscription video-on-demand streaming service owned and operated by the Disney Entertainment division of The Walt Disney Company. As a leading player in the streaming industry, Disney+ provides a wide range of films, television series, and original content to subscribers worldwide.
The Disney+ voice is family-friendly, magical, and nostalgic.
The goal was to create and format social media assets for the promotion of "The Wonderful Winter of Mickey Mouse" on Disney+. The original hero artwork provided by the Disney+ team was not suitable for various social media platforms due to their specific constraints and aspect ratios.
Design Assets + Guides
Design Assets + Guides
As the graphic designer on the Engagement Marketing team, I was entrusted with the task of creating social media assets to promote the premiere of the special episode on Disney+. My role involved translating the hero artwork into various aspect ratios (1:1, 4:5, and 9:16) while ensuring consistency, legal compliance, and alignment with Disney+ brand guidelines.
·Working within tight timelines was crucial to align the creation and scheduled release of assets with the episodes' premiere date.

·Ensuring the assets were compatible with various social media platforms' specifications and requirements was crucial to ensuring smooth execution. 
The solution we designed involved creating and formatting new assets from the creative artwork provided by Disney+ to our team. By mastering the constraints of social media platforms, we ensured the visuals seamlessly conveyed the essence of the episodes, attracting a wide audience to watch the series.
Proof of Concept
Proof of Concept
Adobe Photoshop - 1:1 Composition
Adobe Photoshop - 1:1 Composition
Adobe Illlustrator - 9:16 Composition
Adobe Illlustrator - 9:16 Composition
The results of our design process were outstanding, generating a strong impact across The Disney Branded Television and Disney+ social media accounts. The visually engaging assets we created effectively captured the essence of "The Wonderful Winter of Mickey Mouse," enticing viewers to watch the special episodes on Disney+.
1:1 Disney WWMM Post
1:1 Disney WWMM Post
9:16 Disney WWMM Post
9:16 Disney WWMM Post
4:51 Disney WWMM Post
4:51 Disney WWMM Post
Throughout this project, I deepened my expertise in social media marketing, understanding the importance of tailoring designs to specific platform constraints. Additionally, navigating legal considerations in copywriting provided valuable insights into promoting content while adhering to brand guidelines and regulations.
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