"Good design is good business" Thomas Watson
The Uforia Music Festival was an event aimed at bringing together Latin music and hip-hop artists in Los Angeles. Univision, a Mexican-American media company, operates in the media and entertainment industry, providing a wide range of Spanish-language programming, including news, telenovelas, sports, music, and other entertainment content. In addition to broadcasting services, Univision also offers digital properties such as websites and mobile apps that provide content and services to their audience.
The Uforia Music Festival voice is vibrant, energetic, and youthful.
The Uforia Music Festival was a major event for Univision and had the potential to reach a large audience of music enthusiasts, both in-person and through digital platforms. The festival aimed to create a unique and diverse experience by blending different musical genres and cultures. The successful execution of the event could boost the Uforia App's brand presence, enhance audience engagement, and create a positive impact on the Hispanic and Latino communities, as well as the broader music-loving audience in Los Angeles.
Proof of Concept
Proof of Concept
Design Asset + Guides
Design Asset + Guides
Style Guide
Style Guide
Our team was tasked with designing and executing the creative direction for the festival. As the Art Director, I played a pivotal role in ensuring the visual coherence and success of the Uforia Music Festival. My responsibilities included developing the UMF style guides, creating promotional material, and ensuring consistency across all assets. Working closely with the Director of Digital Content & Products, we collaborated with various teams to deliver a successful event that brought together Latin music and hip-hop artists in Los Angeles. 
· Limited time to design and execute all promotional material and creative assets before the festival date.

· Adapting the creative elements to various digital platforms, including websites and mobile apps.
· Dealing with updates and changes to the artist lineup as the event date approached.
· Fulfilling extra creative requests from the sales team for sponsorship deals.
Our solution for the Uforia Music Festival art direction was to design a visually cohesive and captivating experience. To achieve this, we developed the UMF style guides, creating a strong brand identity that incorporated elements of the LA lifestyle and musical influences, such as palm trees and EQ graphics. The high contrast between warm red and cool light blue colors highlighted key information and tied the UMF logo to the event. This style guide served as the foundation for all creative deliverables, ensuring consistency across various media formats, including websites, social media, and promotional materials.
Concept Design - Adobe Illustrator
Concept Design - Adobe Illustrator
Asset Creation - Adobe Illustrator
Asset Creation - Adobe Illustrator
Desktop Website Guide
Desktop Website Guide
The Uforia Music Festival achieved remarkable success on multiple fronts. The event drew in thousands of attendees, exceeding initial expectations and generating substantial revenue from ticket sales and sponsorships. Additionally, the festival's strong branding and marketing efforts effectively promoted the Uforia Music App, leading to a significant increase in app downloads and user engagement. Moreover, the promotional material designed for the festival garnered extensive social media engagement, with the #UforiaFest hashtag trending and reaching a diverse audience across various platforms. The combined impact of these achievements solidified the festival's position as a highly influential and successful event in the entertainment industry.
I learned valuable lessons that have shaped my approach to creative projects. Effective collaboration with various teams and stakeholders highlighted the significance of seamless communication for a unified vision and successful execution. Adapting the style guide to accommodate different artists' preferences underscored the importance of flexibility in design while maintaining brand consistency. Effective branding and marketing drove app downloads, social media reach, and event success, highlighting the strategic role of branding in engaging the audience and expanding the festival's reach. Moreover, being involved in the entire creative process allowed me to gain insights into event management and the complexities of organizing a successful large-scale music festival. This experience reinforced my need to strike a balance between creativity and practicality to effectively meet artistic and logistical requirements.
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